Since 2007 I have been helping people be the best they can be through a combination of highly advanced disciplines, mostly based on Neuro Science and Sports Psychology and my approach has always been very practical; by that I mean that we always seek to produce measurable results – I use strategies and techniques which are based on facts, not beliefs. You don’t have to believe in what I do for it to work, if you follow the instructions and put in the work, the results are likely to be satisfactory. If you don’t, they wont.

Still, some people seem to have misconceptions about how it all works and so I have put together a very quick list of commonly asked questions with relevant answers to create some clarity.

Is this motivational speaking?

Not at all; what I do is based on making changes at the conscious and unconscious level to alter the messages that our thought patterns may send to our nervous system which in turn affects the way we behave.

Is this based on positive thinking and the old “fake it until you make it” theory?

Absolutely not. I don’t believe in loose positive thinking; I believe in realistic thinking. Anxiety, fear, tension and other sometimes limiting feelings and emotions are based, more often than not, on false information that we put in our minds; such as “I am not good enough”, “he/she is much bigger than me” etcetera. Thoughts like these, which are often responsible for negative and uncomfortable feelings, are not real; they are guesses and distorted information. If you are there, ready to get in the cage chances are that your coaches, your team mates and even the match makers feel that you are good enough to be there. More often than not, your opponent is not bigger than you – or not that much to be a detrimental factor in the fight, you just see it that way. Most of the negative thoughts are false or distorted information. I don’t do positive thinking, but I don’t do negative thinking either; I am a realist and when my clients see the real facts, the anxiety disappears because it was based on false information.

Does a mind coach need to be qualified?

Although most of the “real” qualifications are obtained during actual work with clients and athletes which gives a coach the experience required to produce positive changes, the answer is categorically YES. It is important for a professional sports psychologist and/or mind coach to get the relevant qualifications from trusted schools/organizations.

Can mind coaching or sports psychology interfere and actually cause damage?

If the practitioner is qualified and experienced, the changes of causing counterproductive results are very slim. The way I personally work is that during each session I ask my clients to tell me what the problem/challenge is and where they would like to be at the end of the program or session/program. This way is very easy for the client to realise if what we do is working as they wish. When this type of calibration is not possible, there are other ways for both clients and coach to monitor the progresses.

Does everybody need a mind coach?

I am big fond of “if it is not broken don’t fix it” and so I would say that if you do not feel the need to change anything then chances are that you do not need to change anything. However, it is also true that everybody can benefit from having a mind coach to talk to from time to time, to bounce ideas off each other and to get the most out of the mental side of the game. The job of a mind coach is not necessarily to fix things, the goal is often to help good athletes become even better athletes by going form good to great.

How can I select a good mind coach?

These 4 questions to ask a mind coach, can help you understand whether they are capable and a good fit for you:

  1. How long have they been mind coaches?
  2. How many people have they worked with?
  3. Do they have experience in martial arts or combat sports?
  4. What do others who work with them say?
  5. Plus, do a Google search on them

There are many others but this is a great start.

There are a lot of articles on your website; some seem straight sports psychology and mind coaching stuff, others are predictions, analysis and generally opinionated pieces. Why do you publish those?

Correct; some are straight forward mind coaching facts (whether you agree with them or not they are facts) which come from studies, text books and professional experience. Some others are opinions which of course may or may not be right for everybody. Read what you please, discard what you don’t like.

Adaptability and skill body Combat sports Combat Sports Psychology Confidence Building Excellence in MMA Fighter's journey Fighter's Progress Fighter Mindset Goal Tracking in MMA Growth mindset Martial Arts Improvement Martial arts philosophy Mental clarity Mental focus Mental Preparation Mental Resilience Mental Strength Mental toughness Mind-body connection Mixed Martial Arts MMA MMA strategy MMA Success MMA Training Performance Enhancement Performance Improvement Performance Optimization Performance Psychology Performance Tracking Physical prowess Psychological Warfare Self-confidence Self-mastery Self-transcendence Skill development Skill Development Monitoring Sports psychology Strategy in MMA Strength and resilience Technical finesse Training Progression Training regimens Unification of mind